For Wine Lovers
The must have Wine APP
CellWine is the best and only app for managing your Wine Collection and meeting other wine lovers around the world.
Manage Your Wine story
Scan Wine Labels, Keep Track of Your Wine Collections, and Share Your Wine Notes with other Wine Lovers
As a Wine Collector
Scan Wine Labels to track your wines is easier than ever. Keep track of multiple cellars and locations in one single app. log the cost and quantity of your collections any time, anywhere! Receive the personal notification feed for the latest market value and price trend prediction on your phone.
Scan to track
Multiple cellars
Log cost and quantity
Latest evaluation and trend

As a Wine Lover
Review food pairing, drinking window, and drinking temperatures.... So that you get to enjoy wines in their best condition. Your personal preference is most important! With simple clicks and selections, you can record your own rating scores, flavors and aroma in your personal wine tasting notes easily. Treasure every wine moment and keep them with CellWine. Record your wine memories at anytime.
Review Food Pairing and Drinking Windows Recommendation
Write Personal Tasting Notes
Build your Wine Fan Page

As a Wine Explorer
Not sure if it is a good wine to buy? Ask the CellWine wine lovers from all over the world to give you their recommendations. You can also share your wine insights with others. Be the one to lead the wine trend! What's more? Exploring wine moments from different time zones anytime is really interesting. Just follow famous wine experts in CellWine Wine Moments. You can create your own wine fan page!
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「Must Download For All Wine Lovers」
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